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Most people try to get rid of blemishes by “degreasing” and “drying” with products from harsh soaps to antibiotics. Reviva Labs has always known that intense drying of the skin has only a short-term benefit, and is counterintuitive in the long term. It becomes a vicious cycle: temporary improvement, problem reoccurs, intense drying procedure repeats, sebum gets trapped in the pores…and so it goes.

Intense drying removes too much oil and overstimulates the sebaceous (oil) glands, causing them to pump up oil to replace the excessive amount removed. The result: clogged pores and blemishes. We’ve put an end to this vicious cycle with our oily and blemished skin treatments, which treat skin gently to normalize the skin, slowly…as opposed to drying quickly. This gentle process will help remove blemishes, but will also help keep skin healthy.

Get to Know Reviva Labs - The Natural Skin Care Authority®

Trusted For Generations

It’s a great feeling to know Reviva is being “handed down” from mother to daughter – and even to their granddaughters. And for our next generation of loyal Reviva users we promise to keep delivering the natural skin care people respect and trust.

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Natural Skin Care For All

Because of our commitment to the safe, effective ingredients and formulations, most of our products are suitable for all skin types. And if a particular formula is not advisable for all skin types, we'll say so on the packaging.

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Virtual Consultation

Book your complimentary (free) 15-minute virtual skincare consultation (via Zoom), and one of our consultants will answer your questions and help you to customize a helpful Reviva skin care routine.

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Cruelty Free Skin Care

Reviva Labs is committed to being cruelty-free and has been since our beginning. We’ve never tested on animals, and we’ve remained focused on sourcing our ingredients and all components of our products from like-minded companies.

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