Rosewater’s Many Skin Benefits

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Rose water is a pretty simple ingredient; after all, it is simply rose petals distilled with steam. But this simple, beautifully-fragrant ingredient has a myriad of benefits for hair, skin, and overall well-being.

Rosewater soothes and calms skin

Rosewater’s anti-inflammatory properties help soothe redness and irritation; it can calm the irritation from eczema, dermatitis, and acne, without drying out the skin.

Rosewater is a gentle, effective cleansing aid

Rosewater helps control oil, and also helps remove the oil and dirt that accumulate in clogged pores. It also helps maintain skin’s pH balance.

Rosewater is nourishing and moisturizing

A spritz of rosewater on your hair and/or skin can help freshen, hydrate, and nourish.

Rosewater is filled with antioxidants and vitamins

Who couldn’t use more antioxidants? The vitamins and antioxidants in rosewater can help protect the skin from environmental and sun damage, while helping to combat fine lines and wrinkles. That same antioxidant protection is also great for your hair.

The scent of rosewater can improve your mood

Don’t you love the light scent of roses? The rose scent is actually a great mood enhancer, helping you feel calmer and less anxious, which is beneficial for your overall health and wellness. One of the reasons rose water is so popular in skin and hair care is because it is gentle enough for almost any skin type or skin concern, and its myriad benefits make it a no-brainer when it comes to adding it to a beauty routine. In addition to the benefits listed above, it can help reduce eye-area puffiness and help remove makeup. It’s also popular as a setting spray for makeup, as well as a skin toner/tonic. Rosewater is truly one of the most versatile ingredients in hair and skin care. If you haven’t tried rosewater before, Reviva Labs’ Rosewater Facial Spray is a great way to get the hair and skin care benefits of Rosewater, in a convenient, great-smelling spray.

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