How do you get rid of the gaunt face look?

emaciated thin gaunt woman isolated on plain studio background 628893951

In the journey of life, our face encounters numerous changes. A common, yet distressing, change is the development of a gaunt look. This refers to a face that appears thin, bony, and unhealthy, often associated with aging or underlying health conditions. The good news is that it’s possible to rejuvenate a gaunt face and regain a fuller, youthful appearance. In this blog, we delve into the causes, symptoms, and treatments for a gaunt face.

Understanding a Gaunt Face and Its Causes

A gaunt face is characterized by a thin, bony appearance, often resulting from the loss of subcutaneous fat – the fat layer beneath your skin that gives your face its plumpness. As we age, this fat layer thins out, causing the facial skeleton to be more visible.

Aging: The Inevitable Factor

Aging is one of the most common causes of a gaunt face. After the age of 20, our bodies produce 1% less collagen each year. Collagen, a protein responsible for skin firmness, plumpness, and elasticity, gradually depletes, giving the skin a sunken appearance. Moreover, the fat pads beneath the skin also degrade or migrate downwards, leading to sagging and hollow cheeks.

Illnesses and Conditions Leading to Weight Loss

Certain health conditions can also contribute to a gaunt face, especially those causing significant weight loss. These include digestive disorders like celiac disease and Crohn’s disease, genetic disorders like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and conditions leading to facial lipoatrophy such as HIV infection or certain autoimmune conditions.

Eating disorders, like anorexia and bulimia nervosa, can also lead to a gaunt face due to the lack of adequate nutrient intake. Furthermore, conditions such as depression and cancer can cause unexplained weight loss, giving the face a sunken appearance.

Recognizing a Gaunt Face: Symptoms and Indications

The symptoms of a gaunt face extend beyond just thinness. It’s crucial to understand these signs to identify whether you have a gaunt face or simply a naturally thin face.

Facial Features

A gaunt face often exhibits hollow cheeks and prominent cheekbones. The eyes appear sunken, often accompanied by dark under-eye circles. The jawline and chin may be disproportionately prominent, accompanied by loose skin underneath.

Skin Condition

The skin of a gaunt face often feels bony and lacks elasticity, leading to sagging skin and the development of facial jowls. The skin may appear ashy, dry, and thin with increased wrinkles, especially around the mouth.

Effective Exercises to Rejuvenate a Gaunt Face

One of the most effective non-surgical methods to combat a gaunt face is through facial exercises. These exercises enhance facial muscle tone, stimulate blood circulation, and can help restore volume to your face.

The Pufferfish Press

To perform the pufferfish press, purse your lips tightly and fill your cheeks with as much air as you can. Then, move the trapped air from one cheek to the other. Perform this exercise in 30-second sessions.

The Cheek Squeeze

The cheek squeeze involves stretching the skin on your cheekbones upwards. With your fingers still in place, shape your mouth into an “O” until you feel your cheek muscles tighten. Hold for a few seconds, release, and repeat.


Mewing involves pressing your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth. Hold for a few seconds, then release and repeat. This exercise, popular among models, can improve your jawline and help get rid of jowls and saggy skin.

Medical Procedures to Restore Facial Volume

In addition to facial exercises, medical procedures can also help restore lost facial volume. These include dermal fillers and fat grafting.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers involve injecting your skin with a filler, commonly made of hyaluronic acid or another compound, to smoothen wrinkles and reintroduce plumpness. This procedure is safe and effective but should always be performed by a certified professional.

Fat Grafting

Fat grafting or fat transfer involves harvesting fat from one part of your body and injecting it into your face to restore volume. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 6 months for the transferred fat cells to regain optimal blood circulation.

Nutrition and Hydration for a Youthful Face

Healthy eating and proper hydration are key to maintaining a youthful face. A balanced diet with adequate protein intake can help increase collagen levels, enhancing skin health. Hydrating moisturizers and sunscreen can also be beneficial in preventing skin sagging and premature aging.

Topical Skincare Solutions

The modern cosmeceutical industry is continually discovering or developing new potent ingredients. From new botanical extracts to synthesized peptides, there are many more options today than in the past. Many of these new wonder ingredients prompt the skin to produce more collagen and/or elastin, the building blocks and framework of the skin that help visibly plump the structure.

Reviva’s Multi-Peptide Complex features several of these unique ingredients that are intended to spur the production of collagen while hydrating and plumping the skin. There’s also retinol, which is shown to promote collagen synthesis in the skin. Moreover, retinols also help speed cell turnover to improve the overall look, feel, and texture of the skin while restoring its radiance. Other unique ingredients, such as Swiss apple stem cell or bakuchiol, help rejuvenate the complexion’s appearance while also visibly plumping the skin too.

Choose Your Fix Wisely

A gaunt face, although distressing, can be effectively addressed through a combination of targeted exercises, specialized topical skincare, medical interventions, and adopting a balanced lifestyle. By implementing these strategies, you can successfully restore a fuller and more youthful appearance to your face. It is important to remember that every face is unique, and prioritizing your health and overall well-being should be your primary focus.

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