There’s beauty in imperfection

close up selfie looking down on female

In Japan, they celebrate the beauty of transience and imperfection. This tradition is called wabi-sabi. It stems from Buddhist teachings and helps to keep “perspective” on what should really matter in life. By appreciating and even celebrating things that are not perfect or that are temporary you’re better able to focus on the world and people and the beauty that lies beneath.

In western culture, and around the world, today’s marketing and advertising has created a nearly unattainable ideal for what is beautiful and what makes you beautiful. This artificial ideal has been used to promote and drive product sales with the promise you’ll look prettier or be more attractive if you simply buy and use product x, y, or z. It’s an artificial pursuit that’s begun to unravel. Shoppers are smarter today and savvy about the capabilities of Photoshop. They’ve seen the artificially enhanced images on magazine covers – and the backlash has started. More and more publishers and advertisers are disavowing overly manipulated images. Instead many are accepting that we’re all different and that we’re all beautiful – even with our imperfections.

Beauty care made for everyone

At Reviva, we believe we’re all beautiful inside and out. That we are who we are because of the lives we’ve lived, the struggles, the good times and bad. We cherish our imperfections because we understand each possesses a story – that behind each spot, or wrinkle, or scar – there’s a memory. But while we applaud what makes us unique – it doesn’t mean we’re not open to improving ourselves too. After all, we find our imperfections beautiful, but we’re also happy to ameliorate the smaller things that don’t offer us joy or happiness.

Part of Reviva Labs’ history is creating products that remedy specific skin issues: brown spots, blemishes, bruises, wrinkles, etc. Our library of skin care includes focused products that can help alleviate any of these nagging skin problems – or we offer complete regimens that can accelerate results. Reviva skin care can help you feel more beautiful when and if you want it. But if you cherish the cesarean scar or feel your birth mark “makes you you” – then we share your enthusiasm for your personal wabi-sabi.

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